v19a_25- Common Sense Leadership
0.2 credits
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Full course description
Welcome to Common Sense Leadership! Leading people is a tough job. I’ve been doing it for over three decades. Managing the most technically complex process is infinitely simpler than leading a team of only two or three folks, much less teams of tens or hundreds of people. There has been so much theory published on leadership that it’s easy to get confused and chase the latest, greatest fad being hyped. This course is about common sense leadership based on experience that works; not about theory and fads. Fundamentals are timeless and these practical lessons are timeless. Learn from them and apply them to your workplace and experience success as a leader. Engineers and technical personnel are generally considered leaders in their organizations whether they are in management positions or not. Though not on the organizational chart as a manager, engineers often coordinate or lead project teams. Sometimes, because we are engineers, we can get enamored with complexity and theories. Leaders in all organizations need a common sense and practical approach that has been proven over time and NOT more theory or “touchy feely” psycho-babble. This class is intended to help engineers, technical personnel and others in leadership positions to become more effective by focusing on common sense principles in a simple and fun way based on lessons learned in the real world. Real world examples are used throughout to illustrate the points and help you relate the principles to your organization and people.