V16R_25- When Disaster Strikes-Contingency Planning
0.1 credits
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Full course description
Welcome to When Disaster Strikes- Contingency Planning !None of us wants to think about a disaster striking our business or major project. However, every business large or small, needs a business continuity plan to help recover quickly and efficiently from disasters that may occur. Contingency Planning is for anyone in technical, project management, leadership or general management positions; but can be especially beneficial to those who are responsible for project, process or general business management since all of these positions involve being prepared for potential disasters or disruptions. Businesses (and Project Managers) need a detailed plan for continuing to operate in the event of a catastrophe such as a fire, an extended utility outage, catastrophic equipment failures, severe weather, natural disaster, terrorist attack, active shooter or other disastrous situations. A contingency plan or business continuity plan includes an emergency plan with detailed execution steps and responsibilities identified. Potential issues must be identified and action plans developed before an emergency situation occurs. Unfortunately, it is too late once the event has happened! Most businesses today have only rudimentary emergency plans for evacuations, etc. but do not have the necessary contingency or business recovery plans in place.
At the end of this course, participants will be able to:
- Review the basic concepts of risk management
- Know the steps for creating a contingency plan that makes sense
- Be able to create a comprehensive contingency plan for your business or project
- Help you prepare should disaster strike