V13L_25- Sustainable Pavements: Part I
0.4 credits
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Sustainability is a common interdisciplinary theme being stressed throughout not only academia, but in governmental affairs and community living. The desire of individuals to not only use resources responsibly but to also have a positive economic and social impact on society through choices has encouraged numerous individuals to become more aware of the direct impact their choices make on the world-at-large. While sustainability has been defined numerous ways, the most commonly used phrasing of this term means, that we don’t compromise the future through our actions today. The concept is centered on the theme of intergenerational equity stating that this generation cannot impart damage to the lives of future generations. In 1987, Dr. Edward Barbier connected the concept of sustainability to the “triple bottom line.” The triple bottom line suggested that sustainability required one to consider the economic, environmental, and social benefits of decisions causing individuals and policy makers to develop a more holistic view of society. In the field of pavements, the goal of sustainability is lofty, and one must consider the entire life cycled of the pavement which includes raw material acquisition, production, construction, use, and end of life. The participant will learn the definition of sustainability, how to assess the environmental impacts of pavements, what recycled materials can be used in both asphalt and concrete pavements, and how material selection can affect both the environmental and economic ramifications of pavements.