V06H_24- Soils for Pavements
Started Jan 1, 2024
6 credits
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Full course description
This practical course describes each important element of the soils aspects of road engineering for paved and unpaved roads. Topics: What causes problems, the soil inputs to pavement designs, soil exploration for roads, soil stabilization, construction with soils, incl. QC/QA, fixes for soil-related pavement problems and more. This course will give you a working knowledge of soil behavior, and the basics of geotechnical engineering for design of roads and pavements. What types of soils work best, which to avoid, and how to read soil reports are covered. The course prepares you to continue your own study of soil characteristics and parameters necessary for design in accordance with AASHTO and NCHRP guidelines. This course is useful for engineers, technicians, managers, public works professionals, and those who perform or review pavement designs. It is very practical. If it's been awhile since you've attended a soils or foundation course, or if you need a refresher or update, this practical course is for you.