
V04H_25- Shallow Foundations Design Part 1 - Geotechnical Aspects

0.3 credits

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Shallow Foundations Design Part 1 - Geotechnical Aspects! This course provides a comprehensive overview of shallow foundation design, focusing on the soil aspects crucial for ensuring foundations can support a structure's weight without movement. You'll learn about site investigation, soil properties, soil strength, bearing capacity, and soil compressibility, all with a particular emphasis on shallow foundations.

  1. Understand the principles of shallow foundation design and the importance of soil properties.
  2. Explain the process and importance of site investigation in foundation design.
  3. Identify the factors affecting the strength, bearing capacity, and compressibility of soils.
  4. Analyze soil data to determine suitability for shallow foundations.
  5. Apply knowledge of soil mechanics to design effective shallow foundations.